The ENACT project’s kick-off meeting was held on 4th and 5th March 2021 at boardroom Eastern University, Sri Lanka. This meeting was host by Eastern University, Sri Lanka (Coordinating Institution), with the University of Peradeniya, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka Technological Campus, University of Ruhuna, the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, which are five Sri Lankan Universities and Varna University of Management, ULisboa – Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal, George-August University of Goettingen, Germany, Masaryk University, Czech Republic and European Center for Quality Ltd. (ECQ) which are the five institutions from the EU countries.

The ENACT project’s inauguration was held on 4th March 2021 (The first day) at 2 p.m., which started with lighting the traditional oil lamp. The Vice-Chancellor of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, addressed the gathering followed by Prof. Anoma Abhayaratne explain the ENACT project overview and its expected outcomes. Mr. Eugenio Delfino, Project Officer EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency), addressed the gathering with the view of donor’s expectations on the second day (5th March 2021) of the meeting.
This meeting’s primary purpose was to facilitate the Sri Lankan project partners to get together physically and make them familiar with project management, implementation, and quality control of the ENACT project, while EU partners virtually joined.
Further, Dr. J. Sutha (Eastern University, Sri Lanka), Prof. Anoma Abhayaratne (University of Peradeniya), Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana (Sri Lanka Technological Campus), Mr. M. M. Fareez (Eastern University, Sri Lanka), Mr. Saman Jayakody (University of Peradeniya), Dr. Gergana Dimitrova (European Center for Quality Ltd), and Ms. Ana Lucas (ULisboa – Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal) shared their experience and knowledge in terms of the ENACT project design and outcomes, Basic guidelines of roles of partners, Partnership agreement, special rules and regulations apply for Sri Lankan Universities, Expected documents from each University for smooth operations, specific issues and problems, Communication, coordination and collaboration between partners during the project, dissemination and exploitation, Basic guidelines of the budget, supporting documents, Proof of expenditure, Commencing work on work package 1: Planning Stakeholder Buy-in Events in the Sri Lankan universities and Monitoring and Quality Plan of the project.
Further, the main discussion on Setting up the Staff Development Centre for Non-academic staff and Appointing Project Management Team at the consortium level was also discussed.
Following that, six Sri Lankan Partners’ representatives (Dr. Anton Arulrajah/EUSL, Mr. Hasitha Koralage/SLTC, Ms. Darshini Hulugalla/UOM, Mr. D.D. Upananda/RUSL, Ms. Thushari Amarasena/UOP, and Dr. Renuka Priyantha /UOR) had made their presentations on the overview of the current status quo regarding the skills and training needs of non-academic staff, including any current initiatives or plans for providing skills training for non-academic staff. The outcomes of those presentations were considered the preliminary assessment, which will facilitate the building block of the work package 01, that is, Joint development of the preliminary training curriculum. At the same time, both the Sri Lankan and EU partner organization joined together and developed the joint framework and action plan for the work package 01 (stakeholder buy-in-event and curriculum development for the training for non-academic staff skill, knowledge, and attitude enhancement).